Reiki was originated from Mt. Kurama, Kyoto Japan, developed by Mr.
Mikao Usui, in 1912 in special treatment done 21 days continuously.
One of the benefits of Reiki is how easy it is to acquire, practice,
and teach. Thousands of teachers offer a variety of styles, which
for the most part are reasonably priced. People are free to
treat themselves or others or to start a Reiki business offering
sessions to clients.

When giving sessions,
practitioners can follow the training they received, innovate
according to their inner guidance, or add techniques from other
healing methodsT
eachers are free to teach the
same way they were taught, add techniques and ideas they feel are
useful, or create new systems of Reiki with new symbols,
attunements, and healing energies. All this takes place in most
states in the US without any government restrictions, regulation, or
licensing requirements.
This freedom to teach and use
Reiki has allowed it to develop and expand quickly. While no
official records are available, a good guesstimate is that there are
at least a million people with Reiki training in the US now. There
are many more throughout the world, and the numbers continue to
grow! This growth, in turn, has undoubtedly helped improve the
health and well-being of a major segment of the population while at
the same time lowering health-care costs and creating a source of
income for many people. Reiki is truly a miracle in many ways,
and it is important that we acknowledge how fortunate we are to be
able to freely practice such an important skill. It is also
important for us to be aware that there are forces currently
present, or that could develop, that could take this freedom away
One way our freedom to practice Reiki could be unnecessarily limited
is through government licensing or other forms of government
regulation. This possibility is real?it has already happened in one
state, and attempts to restrict Reiki have occurred in other states
or could occur unless we take action.