Wesak Festival in
Mt. Kurama |
Under the full moon of
May a pathway opens between the heavens and
the Earth with powerful energy pouring through it.
Ordinnarily, worldly
throughs cloud the spirit. On this night, let us purify the
heart and cleanse the body, and unify them with a pure spirit as we go up
the mountain.
Wesak Festival in Mt.
Kurama contains following three events.
First Part Purification
(KIYOME) 19:00
Second Part
Encouragement (HAGEMI) 22:00
Third Part Awaking
(MEZAME) 3:00 (next morning)
In the Wesak Festival,
we let shine all the love and light and strength that
lie hidden in our hearts as we pray for the awakening of all beings.
Wesak Festival is the secret event
hosted by Kurama Temple.

Wesak Festival in 2007, 13th of May, Entrarance of
Kurama Temple.
The night of Full Moon in May |
Many people gether on this night to dedicate an offering of pure water to
the moon and let the light of our own souls shine as we partake of that
mysteriously streaming energy, and to pray
fervently for the our spiritual awakening and that of all other beings.

Wesak Festival 2007, it was little rain, and cold night, therefore people
were in lobby of Kurama Temple and no-one in the garden.
This is the Wesak Festival, a ceremony of light, water and sacred sound.
The festival is divided in three parts.
The first part begins with prayer of
Purification (Kiyome)
in which the
assembled group chants praise for the deity Mao-son as means of cleansing
ourselves and festival site.
When the moon approaches its zenith, `spirit lamps` are lit to symbolize
the immaculately pure spirit that we all possess.
As the place comes aglow with illuminated lamps, a golden bowl if filled
with pure water and prayers are offered to the moon.
Then the lamps are held aloft to bestow the eternally strong power of the
soul, `trasure staff of strength` is received through an incantation, and
everybody, bathed in moonliight partakes of the holy water and accepts the
blessing pure love into their hearts.
The second part is a silent meditation of earnest
Encouragement (Hagemi),
with our heads bowed toward the earth.
In the third part, shortly before dawn, a sacred fire thrusts up into the
sky, symbolizing the deep
Awakening (Mezame)
to an authentic life which
shines with the light of wisdom.
Finally everyone joins in chanting a `letter of the spirit` to welcome the
dawn of the newly illuminated soul.
Wesak Festival

Purification (Kiyome)
The first ceremony began with a prayer of purification in which everyone
chanted praise for the Mao son, this dedicated chanting according to the
abbot, is a means of cleansing those present and the festival site. What
makes this celebration of Wesak unique is the emphasis on Mao son, a
regional deity as a pathway to Buddha.
'The lamps are held aloft to bestow the eternally strong power of the
soul, the treasure staff of strength is received through and incantation'.
'Everyone, bathed in moonlight, partakes of the holy water and accepts the
blessing of pure love into our hearts.'
Encouragement (Hagemi)
At 9:50 the last cable car rumbled off into the distance, a deeper focus/
greater absorption became evident in the second part of the program.
After wards the Japanese Monks lead a
'Silent meditation of earnest encouragement with heads bowed'
Awakening (Mezame)
'Symbolizing the deep awakening (mezane) to an authentic life which shines
with the light of wisdom.'

The small fire, all the
people holds in their hand and pray. (\700)
Mt. Kurama Sanat
Kumara Wesak Festival