Since ancient times, the Japanese people have
lived in accordance with nature.
All over Japan, there are consecrated rocks and evergreen trees in which [Kami]
(powerful beings) reside, as well as sanctuaries (generally called Jinjya)
in which [Kami] are enshrined and usually consist of building
surrounded by a grove of trees.
According to Shinto `The way of the [Kami]`, the indigenous religion
of Japan, [Kami] are worshiped in [Matsuri] which demonstrates solemn
ceremonial occasions as well as
festivals at the local level.
There are more than 100,000 Shinto sanctuaries in Japan. [Jinjyas]
are at the center of spiritual live.
Historically, [Jingu] has held the most honored place among all Shinto
sanctuaries. It is considered to be the spiritual home of the
Japanese people.
The most of whom wish to make pilgrimage to [Jingu] at least once during
their lifetime.
In fact more than six million pilgrims and worshipers come and visit to [Jingu]
every year.
Oka-chan has visited ISE-Jingu September 30th to October 1st in 2006 in
order to observe this famous Jinjya deeply.
The main events of this time have been the night attendance and cleaning
activity in the very limited area called [Shin-Mikishichi], where the new
main building will be re-built in year 2013.
An approach to Ise-Jingu is to use Kintetsu Train either from Nagoya
or Tsuruhashi in Osaka, bound for UJIYAMADA.
The `Toyoukedaijingu (Geku)`
The great deity Toyouke Omikami is
The `KOTAIJINGU (Naiku)`
The supreme deity Amaterasu Omikami is
Uji Bridge (Ujibashi)
The front gate of Naiku is Ujibsashi, which
is all made by wooden materials over the Isuzu River.
The length of this bridge is 101.8
meters, and the gate (Torii) is located in the entrance.
This gate (Torii) is build by re-used
from the Goshougu (main building) as re-cycle.
Isuzu River
Isuzu river is located in the upper stream
of UJI, and this water is very much pure.
Shinen :
Shinen is the approaching to Goshougu,
where the small stones are installed on the load, and pine tree are
both sides.
Very much similar arrangement of Palace
garden in Tokyo.
In order to purify the body, the clean
water is to be used for cleaning hands, and mouse.
Be careful, that the no toilets available
1st Torii (Ichino Torii)
The next from above Shusuisha is the 1st Torii.
This is really entrance to the Kotaijingu.
Goshougu (The Main
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